Edenton Police Station
Edenton, NC

Project Date

Oakley Collier Architects
Town of Edenton
The Edenton Police Department project is making great progress. According to Project Manager, Adam Hughes, "Progress on this project is meeting scheduled expectations and we look forward to a May completion date." The roof membrane is in place, and the site is on grade with most concrete curb and gutter installed. The plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems are underway and approximately sixty percent complete. Brick veneer is nearly complete. The brick is being painted as specified by Oakley Collier Architects. Site improvements will begin in March and will be completed by mid-April. Hughes also states, "We enjoy occasional visits from Edenton Police Chief Jay Fortenbery who maintains a watchful eye over the project to monitor our progress."

Created Date: 06/12/2022 | Modified Date: 09/16/2024 | Active | Featured | Governmental | PublicService

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